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Qui raccogliamo articoli, video, report che diano evidenza del divario di genere nelle professioni tech nel mondo e in Italia.


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[World Economic Forum | 2024] The analysis in this report is focused on assessing gender gaps between women and men across economic, educational, health and political outcomes based on the data available.

[World Economic Forum | 2023] The analysis in this report is focused on assessing gender gaps between women and men across economic, educational, health and political outcomes based on the data available.

Il focus qui presentato analizza le performance, formative e occupazionali, di uomini e donne e si basa sui più recenti Rapporti realizzati da AlmaLaurea: il Rapporto 2022 sul Profilo dei Laureati di 77 Atenei, che si basa su una rilevazione che coinvolge circa 300mila laureati del 2021 e restituisce un’approfondita fotografia delle loro principali caratteristiche, e il Rapporto 2022 sulla Condizione occupazionale dei Laureati di 76 Atenei, che si basa su un'indagine che riguarda 660mila laureati e analizza i risultati raggiunti nei mercati del lavoro a uno, a tre e cinque anni dalla laurea.

[European Commission | 2023] When considering all fields of study, women outnumber men in tertiary education (ISCED levels 5-7), and there is almost gender balance among doctoral graduates (ISCED level 8), yet large gender gaps persist across specific fields of study, particularly in science, technology, engineering and mathematics

[European Commission | 2023] This article aim to give an overview over the topic and answer basic questions about important issues in digital education, about the digital gender divide and how it connects to education.

[UNHCR | 2023] The digital age has brought countless opportunities and benefits for people across the world. However, for more than 50 million forcibly displaced women and girls worldwide,1 these opportunities often remain limited or even out of reach.

[EPRS European Parliamentary Research Service | 2023]  The gender gap in the digital sector, in areas ranging from education to salaries, persists. Women's increased participation in the sector could help solve the shortage of information and communications technology (ICT) professionals needed for the EU's digital sector to grow.

[Google | 2023] Six barriers holding girls back from choosing Computer Science across Europe.

[Google | 2023] Abbiamo identificato sei barriere, che hanno un impatto diretto, o indiretto, sulla decisione delle ragazze di studiare  informatica. Link al rapporto completo.

[OECD | 2023] Includes selected indicators shedding light on gender inequalities in education, employment, entrepreneurship, health, development, governance, digital and energy, showing how far we are from achieving gender equality and where actions is most needed.

[International Telecommunication Union | 2023] ITU's flagship Facts and Figures tracks global connectivity with estimates on key indicators, including those related to infrastructure, affordability, gender, and location.

[ISTAT | 2023] Several studies have highlighted how in Italy so far there is a significant gender gap in favour of men with respect to ICT diffusion.

[CorCOM - McKinsey | 2023] Le donne impiegate nel settore hitech possono portare all’Europa fino a 600 miliardi di euro di Pil aggiuntivo entro il 2027 – ovviamente, se ci sarà un numero significativo di professioniste della tecnologia nella forza lavoro.È quanto stima McKinsey secondo cui, per mettere a segno il risultato, la quota di donne nel settore dovrebbe raddoppiare dall’attuale 22% ad almeno il 45%, pari a 3,9 milioni di addette. Ma la situazione potrebbe addirittura peggiorare: nel 2027 si rischia di scendere al 21%  (link al report completo).

[The EU Cybersecurity Agency | 2019 ] Europe needs to step up its efforts and strengthen its very own security capacities to secure its digital society, economy and democracy. Diversity and gender balance is key for success. ENISA supports the ‘WOMEN in DIGITAL Programme’ of the European Commission and ECSO ‘Women in Cyber’ initiative to raise awareness of the gender balance and advocate for women in cybersecurity roles including IT security, IoT security, medical cybersecurity, transport cybersecurity, military and defence cybersecurity, technology and others.

[ACM Digital Library - ICEGOV'21 | 2021] With the ever-increasing pace of technology innovation and rapid digital transformation of society, the impact on digital inclusion, and particularly gender equity is surprisingly under-analyzed. The article outlines and classifies the concept of digital inclusion and its effects on traditionally marginalized groups, specifically, girls and women. In doing so, the article reviews existing literature on digital inclusion and answers a core research question: What are some of the underlying monitoring indicators for monitoring and measuring the state of digital inclusion and digital gender divide identified in the academic literature to date?

[Springer Link | 2023] Specifically, we synthesize evidence on gender gaps in digital knowledge and skills, controlling for differences in ICT access and technology attitudes. In addition, we examine the role that technology attitudes play in the gender gap in digital knowledge and skills.

[AAUW Research Reports | 2010]   Women have made tremendous progress in education and the workplace during the past 50 years. Even in historically male fields such as business, law, and medicine, women have made impressive gains. In scientific areas, however, women’s educational gains have been less dramatic, and their progress in the workplace still slower. In an era when women are increasingly prominent in medicine, law, and business, why are so few women becoming scientists and engineers?

[UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) | 2020]   An important societal adaptation to ageing has been to increase the labour market participation among women and older persons to ensure the sustainability of social security and protection systems. It is now time that regulatory frameworks, financial provisions and services support the equal sharing of paid and unpaid work in families, households and communities between women and men to close prevailing gender gaps in care, employment, earnings
and pensions.


[European Commission | 2022] Why women earn less? The gender pay gap measures a broader concept than pay discrimination and comprehends a large number of inequalities women face in access to work, progression and rewards. Differences between the EU countries.

[WID.World | 2022] Economic growth numbers are published every year by governments across the globe, but they do not tell us about how growth is distributed across the population – about who gains and who loses from economic policies. Accessing such data is critical for democracy.

[ | 2022] Latest Findex report, the triennial barometer for progress in financial inclusion among the world’s most underserved people, while there appears to be progress in financial inclusion, we must carefully consider how financial digitization risks excluding women from the global economy and take steps to mitigate.

[Empirica | 2022] This paper evaluates the digital gender divide in its three stages: access, use and results, relating it to gender and salary gaps in the context of the European Union.

[GeekforGeeks | 2023]  Gender Pay Gap means the difference in the average income paid to men compared to the average income paid to women in a workplace, which represents that there are unequal economic opportunities on the basis of gender. It is not only about unequal pay for the same job, but it’s about the overall earnings gap between men and women in the workforce. It takes into account various factors, such as differences in average hourly or annual wages, bonuses, and other compensation-related benefits.

[Codemotion | 2023] Il tuo stipendio è giusto? Scoprilo con lo strumento che ti aiuta a orientarti nella giungla delle RAL!

[JobPricing | 2023]  Grazie alla sua attività di costante monitoraggio e raccolta dati, l’Osservatorio JobPricing si propone come punto di riferimento per lo studio del mercato del lavoro e delle dinamiche retributive in Italia. I nostri report, whitepaper e studi, che pubblichiamo e condividiamo gratuitamente, rappresentano una fonte dati tra le più accreditate e citate dai media e dalla stampa.

La nostra attività di ricerca inoltre può vantare importanti ed innovative collaborazioni con il mondo accademico.

[GlassDoor | 2023] Confronta il tuo stipendio e valuta se è conforme o meno agli standard nazionali (e non solo).

[UOC Universitat Oberta de Catalunya | 2022 ] Without equal access to technology and the internet, and with less chance of acquiring digital knowledge, the playing field of our increasingly digitized society is not equal for girls and women. This affects their education and therefore greatly hinders their potential incorporation into the job market as well as the quality of the jobs themselves, an issue which in turn has a negative effect on a country’s potential for economic development and growth.


[Janet Crawford | TEDxSanDiego]
Janet Crawford dives into the unconscious associations that are often made with regard to gender. It’s hard not to reflect on our own unconscious associations as she talks through how our brain creates associations to help us make sense of the world. Her empowering talk speaks to men and women alike, challenging us all to help create the shift from one of blame to one of action through engagement and curiosity.

[Cheuk Ting Ho | FOSDEM 2024]
A lot of open source project is led by meritocracy. However, we all agree that this may not be the best model to encourage diversity in the community. Recently there has been a rise of do-ocracy, which means anyone and stand up and do it. Is this the best alternative we can have? Are there downfalls?


[Azzurra Rinaldi | Fabbri Editore | 2022]
“Le signore non parlano di soldi”, si sente spesso dire, perché una donna che parla di soldi – è ancora convinzione comune – risulterebbe ambiziosa, materiale, venale… Azzurra Rinaldi, docente di Economia politica all’Università degli Studi di Roma Unitelma Sapienza, vuole scardinare questo tabù, e lo fa parlando di economia e di come la discriminazione di genere non convenga a nessuno, neanche al portafoglio

[Azzurra Rinaldi | Fabbri Editore | 2024]

Azzurra Rinaldi affronta un altro tema urgente: negoziare il proprio compenso. Cercando di smontare i pregiudizi alla base delle disparità occupazionali e di salario tra maschi e femmine, tratteggia una situazione economica squilibrata, mai a favore delle lavoratrici. Come possono, allora, le donne avviare una conversazione sui soldi e chiedere il giusto compenso, quando il loro potere contrattuale è così ridotto? Attraverso dati, esempi, tecniche e strategie, Rinaldi offre strumenti concreti per «mettere a tacere la vocina che ci fa sempre sentire inadeguate» e scardinare lo schema che relega le donne alla passività.

[Alexis Kyprianou, Nathaniel H'limi  Nicola Jacchia  | Gribaudo Editore | 2018]  
56 schede pratiche rivelano le tecniche di negoziazione più efficaci in ufficio e nella vita di tutti i giorni. Ogni pagina illustra in modo immediato e visuale le strategie più adatte per ogni situazione e per ogni interlocutore. Perché avere ragione è un’arte, e da tutte le situazioni possiamo imparare qualcosa. «Tratta il tuo interlocutore come un avversario e si comporterà come tale. Trattalo come un socio in affari e scoprirete la cooperazione.»

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